Hello Friends!
I'm in the middle of craziness around here!
Lots and lots of computer issues and blog issues and domain issues!
I'm still trying to sort them all out.
At the moment my blog has moved back to my old Blogspot address on the web... just in case you were trying to find it.www.michellepaige.blogspot.com
I'm in the middle of craziness around here!
Lots and lots of computer issues and blog issues and domain issues!
I'm still trying to sort them all out.
At the moment my blog has moved back to my old Blogspot address on the web... just in case you were trying to find it.www.michellepaige.blogspot.com
Lots of my blog posts and Pinterest posts can't be viewed until I figure out the domain mess I'm in...
Why did I start a blog when I can't speak the tech language?
(I keep asking myself this.)
The good news? I got a new laptop!
It's sleek and fast and hopefully will help me get rid of all my computer woes...maybe...yah, I doubt it.
It's sleek and fast and hopefully will help me get rid of all my computer woes...maybe...yah, I doubt it.
Last week in the midst of chaos, I had the opportunity to share at While He Was Napping Blog.
Today, I'm finally sharing that post with you.
as seen on While He Was Napping
I find it so interesting that my nieces and nephews and even the neighbor kids-- always want to craft with me, but my own kids...I have to beg! I think maybe they're a bit tired of having their picture taken during each step of the process?
My niece, Alex volunteered to help me with this craft.
Isn't she cute? And crafty like her aunt, too.

I love crafting and being creative with kids, but I have to tell you...
I especially love it when the kids' crafts, don't look like kids made them!
This tissue paper wall art looks so good, you'll hang it proudly on the wall and won't have to worry about cotton balls coming off, glitter getting on everything, or worse-- others asking, 'what is it?'
It's a lovely, creative piece of art.
It's a lovely, creative piece of art.
Supplies needed:
1) Colored tissue paper
2) Canvas board or canvas panel (any size)
3) Mod Podge
4) Foam paint brush.
Did I mention it's super easy?
Just 4 supplies needed and 5 easy steps!
Just 4 supplies needed and 5 easy steps!
Step 1: Choose your tissue paper colors.
My niece wanted to hang this art in her new bedroom.
(Her family just moved into a new home--closer to me--the favorite aunt! Yay!)
She chose greens, pinks and yellows to match her bedroom decor. I love her style!
Step 2: Tear strips of tissue paper
and lay them across the canvas board.
and lay them across the canvas board.
With tissue paper, you never know what bumps and ridges it will have while you tear it.
This is what makes this craft perfect for kids.
Just rip up paper and lay it out across the canvas board.
Hills and valleys, thick pieces, thin pieces, short pieces, long pieces-- anything you want!
Step 3: Arrange the pieces however you'd like.
Some of the tissue paper pieces lay completely over the sides of the board, other pieces don't.
There's no right or wrong way!
Do whatever looks good to you and the child.
We put white spaces between our colors, but you don't have to.
Now here's the fun part! Time to get a little messy!
Step 4: Mod Podge!
Pour some Mod Podge onto a paper plate.
Using foam brushes, brush the Mod Podge over each piece of tissue paper and cover the entire board.
You're basically painting on the glue.
Isn't it fun to 'paint' when there's no lines to stay in? I told you this was a kid's craft!
Go ahead and glue down the pieces that hang over the sides of the canvas, too.
Trim any side pieces that are too long.
Step 5: Let dry completely.
If some tissue paper wasn't fully covered the first time, go back and do a second coat of Mod Podge.
Proudly hang on the wall.
Be sure to have the child autograph and date the back.
(You'll want proof when someone disbelieves your art work was made by a child!)
Thanks for helping me, Alex!
Maybe I can convince my kids to make a 'Halloween themed' art work for me to display?
Alex?...I may need you to make me another one!
Maybe I can convince my kids to make a 'Halloween themed' art work for me to display?
Alex?...I may need you to make me another one!
That turned out really cute (love the colors you guys went with) and what a sweet time to spend with your niece!